Security Administrator Training

For County Security Administrators (CSAs) and State CBMS Security Administrators, follow the below steps to complete training:

  • Request and Register for the CBMS Security Administrator Training Plan in COLearn
  • All Security Administrators are required to take the post assessment after the required training
  • The web-based training and the Security Assessment must be completed with a passing score of 80% or higher
  • Once completed, the Security Administrator will be able to print a certificate that shows you have completed the course requirements for County Security Administrators
  • An online request will need to be sent by your hiring manager through Identity Manager (https://iam.state.co.us)
  • CSAs may not have update access on the same CBMS ID. Reach out to OIT for further information at CDHS_CBMS_Application_Security_Requests@state.co.us

Security Administrator Illustration